A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is an evaluation of similar, recently sold homes (called comparables) that are near a home that you want to buy or sell. Performing a CMA involves finding homes that are similar to the home being bought or sold, and conducting an in-depth comparison of its size, age, location, and features.

Buyers, sellers, or real estate agents perform a CMA to establish a fair price range for the home under consideration. The price range from the CMA can then be used as a guide for deciding on an offer price or a listing price. It all boils down to one question: compared to other, comparable homes in this area, how much is this home worth? Answering that question involves looking at a fair amount of data on other homes in the current market.

The process for doing a comparative market analysis includes:

  • Defining criteria for selecting comparable homes
  • Determine a list of quality comparable homes
  • Evaluate the comparable homes
  • Adjust comparable values for differences in size, condition, location, etc
  • Estimate the final value or sales price of the target home

As a service to our potential sellers, the Claus Team will perform a FREE CMA of your home upon request. In order to request a FREE CMA, complete the following form:

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


As a service to our potential sellers, the Claus Team will perform a FREE CMA of your home upon request. In order to request a FREE CMA, complete the following form:

 Email Mail In-Home Consultation


If you’d like to discuss the possible sale of your home, you may also request a free Comparative Market Analysis by phone. To do so, call us at 210.566.6355 to speak with a Claus Team Listing Specialist today.

Offer Code: MAIN WEB